The Polish Business Society at the London School of Economics is one of the oldest and most accomplished Polish student societies anywhere in the world. We aim to consolidate the Polish community at our school and, through partnerships with other societies, form a more integrated community of Polish students in the UK that will benefit each of these individuals and Poland as a whole. We organise lectures and leisure time and participate in gatherings taking place throughout the United Kingdom, as well as back in Poland, such as the LSE, Oxford, Cambridge Christmas Dinner. The Polish Economic Forum is our most recognised and successful initiative.
The Polish Economic Forum is the largest conference about Poland beyond the borders of our country. Held for the ninth time this year, it offers a space for several hundred young Polish professionals to meet and interact with senior representatives of business and government. More than 800 participants, representing start-ups, established companies, consultancies and government, gather to participate in panel discussions, attend the finals of a start-up contest and hear a report on
Polish higher education. The evening features an official ball that has grown to be one of the brightest highlights of Polish expat life around the world. We take pride in bringing together the Polish elite of tomorrow to analyse and celebrate Poland’s significant and growing role in the global economy.
What is “The Afterimage Generation”?
The term “afterimages” (in Polish: “powidoki”) was coined by internationally renowned Polish avant-garde painter, Władysław Strzemiński. In optics, an afterimage is a picture which lingers on the retina after prolonged viewing but, after looking away, manifests itself as an outline of the same shape. Try looking at a bright light intensely for half a minute, then look away. Do you see yellow blotches covering your immediate vision?
We have placed this visual phenomenon in the contemporary realm, applying it to socioeconomic and political problems. Afterimages can overlap and mix; in a similar way, today’s challenges are multi-layered, with economic questions having political repercussions, or environmental ones, and so on.
The Afterimage Generation is the generation of people who must face the intertwining shadows of the past, both positive and negative. We–as students, young professionals and future leaders–are experiencing the spillover effects of events like the industrial revolution, economic crises, austerity, communism and environmental neglect. We no longer only reap their benefits but must also deal with the implications. How do we navigate such a revolutionary world? How can entrepreneurship be a vehicle for positive change? What does the political future hold? From populism to climate change, our exceptional panelists will discuss the socioeconomic consequences of past decisions. Our history shines like a light in our eyes, and while we may blink and look away, the past imprints itself on our present… and outlines the direction of our future.
Strategic Partner


Conference Venue:
The Brewery
52 Chiswell St
London EC1Y 4SD

Ball Venue:
Waldorf Hilton Hotel
London WC2B 4DD

Afterparty Venue:
The Stables Market
Camden Market
Chalk Farm Rd, Camden Town
London NW1 8AH

Young Professionals’ Cocktail Venue: De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms
61-65 Great Queen St, Holborn,
London WC2B 5DA