Who we are
The LSE SU Polish Economic Forum is the largest conference about Poland beyond its borders. With 2023 marking its 12th anniversary, the Forum provides a space for several hundred young Polish students and professionals to interact with senior representatives of business and government.
More than 700 participants, representing leading global universities, innovative start-ups, established companies, consultancies and government agencies gather to participate in panel discussions, exchange ideas, and meet inspiring people. The official ball has grown to be one of the brightest highlights of Polish expat life around the world. We continue to take pride in bringing together the Polish elite of tomorrow – just as we do every year – to examine and celebrate Poland’s significant and growing role in the global economy.
13 Years of PEF
The first conference LSE SU Polish Business Society was organized on March 3, 2012 in the LSE Old Building by a team of several people managed by Maciej Lisik – the then president of PBS. The event was attended by almost 100 participants who could listen to discussions between 12 speakers. Over the last 11 years, the Forum has significantly increased its scale – the 9th edition attracted over 800 participants, over 20 panellists and was organized by the PBS team of over 40. The conference took a two-day formula, and after the conference, which took place at The Brewery, participants took part in a ball organized at The Waldorf Hilton. This year, the 12th edition of the Polish Economic Forum will take place!
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